Trad Jazz Band Arrangements

Dixieland Band Arrangements

Dixieland Band Arrangements, Dixieland Charts, Dixieland Transcriptions
Dixieland Charts, Dixieland Transcriptions, Dixieland Band Arrangements

Trad Jazz Band Charts

 Transcriptions and arrangements:  $8 per chart 

Incidentally, a “chart” is an arrangement (a full orchestration), it includes all of the parts for all of the instruments

These Dixieland Band Arrangements are, generally, note-for-note transcriptions of the arrangements that the original Dixieland band recorded. In many cases, even the solos are transcribed. The ones that say “arrangement” are my own arrangements.

Note: The instrumentation for the Trad Jazz Band Charts (aka, Dixieland Band charts) is usually full 8-piece Dixieland size. In other words, most charts are clarinet, trumpet, tenor sax, trombone, piano, banjo, tuba, drums. Most, if not all, of the arrangements should play very well with one or more parts missing. For example, if you don’t have a tenor or banjo, you will be okay. Frequently, the rhythm section (piano, tuba and banjo) share the same parts. Scores are provided with charts written in Finale. The earlier “manuscript” charts do not come with scores.

If a chart is a transcription, it should sound very much like the recording. For many of the arrangements and original compositions of mine, I have mp3 recordings. Please ask me for specific titles and I will send them to you.

I also do custom work (transcriptions, arrangements, film scoring, karaoke tracks, etc.). If interested, lease click on

“Custom Transcriptions and Arrangements” (above) or (where I sell my original compositions).


The discounts below (except the whole library) are applied automatically. If you want a different amount of charts, email me at and I’ll give you a separate quote for your order.  If you would like to buy the whole library, email me and I’ll send you an invoice (which you can pay through PayPal or a credit card).

6 charts (30% discount) = $33 (= $5.50 each)

8 charts (40% discount) = $38 (= $4.75 each)

10 charts (50% discount) = $40 (= $4 each)

25 charts (60% discount) = $80 (= $3.20 each)

50 charts (70% discount) = $120 (= $2.40 each)

In between amounts (7 charts, 15 charts, 36 charts, etc.) will get the discounts too. The same discount applies to all charts, solos and booklets on this web site.

When you are ready, please go to “checkout.” Upon checkout, you can either pay with a credit card or use PayPal (or use PayPal to create a PayPal account or pay with a Credit card or a Debit card there). Either way, you will be provided a download link, on the spot, that never expires. 

The Dixieland Band Arrangements:

Ain’t Gonna Give Nobody None Of My Jelly Roll (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Ain’t Misbehavin’ (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Ain’t She Sweet (Veterinary Street Jazz Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Alexander’s Ragtime Band (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Amazing Grace (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Bach’s Largo (Allotria Jazz Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Beale Street Blues (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Bill Bailey (Bourbon St. Stompers)

$8.00Add to cart

Black And Blue (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Blue Horizon (Sidney Bichet)

$8.00Add to cart

Breeze (Fried Potato Jazz Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Cantina Band (From Star Wars) (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Christmas Medley (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Christmas Song, The (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Clarinet Marmalade (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Creole Jazz (Dutch Swing College Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Creole Love Song/Camp Meeting Blues (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Cushion Foot Stomp (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Drop Me Off In Harlem (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Folsom Prison Blues (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

From Monday On (’55 Eddie Condon)

$8.00Add to cart

If Someone Would Only Love Me (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

If You See My Mother (Si Tu Vois Ma Mere) (aka, Lonesome) (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

I’m A Little Blackbird Looking For A Bluebird (’24 Clarence Williams and His Blue Five)

$8.00Add to cart

I Wanna Be Like You (“The Monkey Song” from Disney’s “The Jungle Book”) (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Jada (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Joseph, Joseph (’41 Tullio Mobiglia)

$8.00Add to cart

Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Wynton Marsalis with Eric Clapton)

$8.00Add to cart

Just a Stomp at Twilight (Firehouse Five + 2)

$8.00Add to cart

Lover of The Simple Things (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Love Songs Of The Nile (New Black Eagle Jazz Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Maple Leaf Rag (as played by Sidney Bechet ’32)

$8.00Add to cart

Merrily We Roll Along (Short arrangement) $5 (short)

$5.00Add to cart

Mooch, The (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Moonlight Serenade (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Mr. Bogangles (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

My Inspiration (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

New Orleans Twist (’35 Gene Gifford)

$8.00Add to cart

Novelty Tunes (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Now You Has Jazz (as recorded by Louis Armstrong)

$8.00Add to cart

Oily Rag (original composition)

$8.00Add to cart

Oriental Strut (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Ory’s Creole Trombone

$8.00Add to cart

Panama (Dutch Swing College Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Patriotic Medley (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Pete Kelly’s Blues (Sid Phillips & His Band)

$8.00Add to cart

Petite Fleur (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Porgy And Bess Medley (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Radio (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Really The Blues (Mezz Mezzrow)

$8.00Add to cart

Rose Of Washington Square (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Second Line (Joe Avery’s Blues)

$8.00Add to cart

Seventy-Six Trombones(arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart


$8.00Add to cart

Si Tu Vois Ma Mere (as recorded by Sidney Bechet)

$8.00Add to cart

Singin’ The Blues (’27 Frank Trumbauer, Bix Beiderbecke,

$8.00Add to cart

Someday Sweetheart (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

St. James Infirmary (Matty Matlock)

$8.00Add to cart

St. Louis Blues (Firehouse Five + 2)

$8.00Add to cart

Star Spangled Banner (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Stranger On The Shore (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Sugar Blues (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Sugarfoot Strut (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Swing Low Sweet Clarinet (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Tain’t So, Honey Tain’t So (arrangement)

$10.00Add to cart

That Da Da Strain (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

The Old Rugged Cross (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Tiger Rag (Firehouse Five + 2)

$8.00Add to cart

Walk On The Wild Side (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Way Down Yonder In New Orleans (Dutch Swing College Band)

$8.00Add to cart

When It’s Sleepy Time Down South (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

When The Saints Go Marching In (arrangement)

$8.00Add to cart

Winter Wonderland (as recorded by James Taylor)

$8.00Add to cart

There are also some 1920s arrangements for 6-piece combo that you might be able to adapt (see “Combo & Misc.” above).